Friday, May 18, 2012

Children's Day

May 5th in Japan is a national holiday - Children's Day!  That's right - an actual national holiday dedicated to honoring and celebrating children!  Years ago it was called Boys Day, but has since been changed to include girls as well (and girls still get their own special holiday as well!).

Children's Day became a national holiday in 1948, shortly after the end of World War II.  Why do you think that timing might be significant?

Photo by Nancy Ericson

Traditionally on Children's Day, carp-shaped flags are flown.  When the flags are flying in the wind, they are supposed to resemble fish swimming upstream.  There is an old Chinese legend that says a carp swimming upstream becomes a dragon.  So these flags are symbols of courage.

Photo by Nancy Ericson

Photo by Nancy Ericson
If you could create a National Holiday in America to celebrate children, what symbol might you choose to use?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Kamakura is a short train ride from Tokyo, and is a popular tourist destination.

The Japanese school year starts in April, and most schools have big field trips the first week of school!

Another student group - 

Get your fortune, and if it's not to your liking, attach it here where the wind will "blow" the fortune away. 

For a small fee, display your own thoughts and wishes.

No field trip is complete without a group photo!

These brooms are traditional, and very effective!

This is what we all came here to see - the "Big Buddha"

Fruit and flower offerings to the gods.

And on our way out, how about some soft serve?